Thursday, 15 December 2011

Digipack Analysis

The tight framed, minimalism of the visuals can be directly affiliated with our video, even though we purposefully avoided taking images from the video for the digipak, we did however keep to a sense of strict tight framed visual structures.We included Gaga's actual record label logo as well as the conventional DVD video image.

We used the images above, taken from our actress' facebook account, because they were simple and could easily be transferred and played around with via the photoshop filters.
We took the two different fonts used from, the "LADY GAGA" being almost robotic we chose because this reflected Gaga's 'traditional' outlandish style and contrasts well with the "Stefani" the album name which we chose because it is Gaga's real name which we hoped would reflect the sense of stripping back. The handwriting style we felt would mirror this sense of the personal touch; almost like a signature.
We also decided to include an extra track we named "XOXO" symbolising the text symbols for "hugs and kisses" we thought it would be a nice contrast to the solemn break up song.

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