Thursday, 15 December 2011

Comparison of Storyboards and Final Product

Our story boards included a lot more outdoor filming than we had in our final cut; we couldn’t do this taking into account Cambridge weather so we had to give many of the proposed walking and scrolling shots a miss.
To make up for this however we used the bright, celestial looking white room to create these emotive shots, white instead of black because we thought black would make the video seem alot more cynical than it needed to be.
We still made use of the Gaga Sci-Fi glasses, and of the boyfriend conversation concepts; though it was difficult to get our actress to sing to our actor (Pat Bull) without our smiling too much for such a sorrowful song.  We also kept to the concept as using and altered speed Cambridge as a backdrop for green screening, we hoped this would create the illusion of time passing irregularly; isolating our main character.  If you look closely in the last frame ^ you can see the lion from outside the Fitzwilliam.

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