Thursday, 15 September 2011

Track Choice Pitch 1 - Second Time Around

As the song was pre- The Fame (Debut Album, 2008) the genre is more R'n'B than her nowadays Pop vibe. We do want to, however, include Lady Gaga's crazy eccentricity; representing this in the form of warped make up/ hair-styles and of course costume (maybe not meat clothes though).

We took this video as inspiration due to the fact that its an R'n'B song and the conflict that occurs during it is how we wanted to show our conflict. The song also links to breakups which is the main theme of the lyrics in "Second Time Around". Upon realising this, we felt we could mimic the use of slow motion action and argument. Also that we could have our singer sing to someone as if they were having a conversation and that video could be of a narrative, which although isn't commonly undergone by Gaga videos, is a common method used with in the R&B industry which we feel applies better to this particular song.
So in the narrative, we're going to present various aspects of a single break-up; arguments, cheating, getting caught, as well as cinematic/ dramatic walking away, walking and singing or even singing as they are arguing.

We also have taken a bit of inspiration from the Lady Gaga video for Telephone. During a lot of Gaga's videos, she uses unusual and eccentric costuming and make-up which has become a trademark for her so in our video for Second Time Around, we want to portray this by using facial make-up. Also we could add to the costuming with almost random accessories which would also give it a Gaga-esque feel.

Further to the costuming and make-up, the clothing we will use in the video will be quite plain and bland as we believe that that channels the meaning of the song and how its not focusing on being voyeuristic, as the song is about emotions involved. The location of the video would also channel the emotion which is slightly different to how Gaga usually works but as the song was demoed before the big rise she had, it has a different emotion to it. We want to use areas where the focus would be set on the people involved so the media studio where we could almost recreate a scene of a talk like the one in the Rihanna "Take A Bow" video.
 Also by using the small road which is just by the sports hall as a walkway for walking shots; we take advantage of its great atmosphere for emotional shots. Another location we could use is the town centre, especially the path way through Christs Piece/Jesus Green as its also good for the emotion and walking shots and as we wanted to include couple shots we can use it for that too.
Cambridge is, in itself, an untapped resource where many, if not all, R&B videos are based in the big city, Cambridge is a city where no music videos have ever really been noticeably based, so the sophistication of the grand buildings and british culture de-american-ises the setting, which in modern media disconcerts the audience similarly to the way Gaga "traditionally" sets her scenes.

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