Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Auteur Study - Anthony Mandler

Anthony Mandler (born April 18, 1973 in Los Angeles, CA) is a commercial and music video director, who has written and directed music videos for several artists. His most notable and frequent collaborator is Rihanna. The two have worked on more than a dozen videos together throughout her career, starting with "Unfaithful" in 2006 and most recently "Only Girl (In the World)", "California King Bed" and "Man Down".
We chose him because of his tendency to work with the R&B genre, because although Gaga is mainstream pop, this song in particular conforms more than any other to Anthony Madler's style.

In both of these videos, you see a clear way that Meandler works with the songs to create a certain atmosphere in them. We would also like to create this type of atmosphere in the video as it gives them a certain feel and works well with the genre of the song.

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