Thursday, 15 September 2011

Music Video Analysis Using Goodwin's Points - Wretch 32 ft Josh Kumra 'Don't Go'

1. An R&B, hip hop , mainstream track, "Don't Go"'s video conforms to most aspects or the genre; remaining almost completely focused on the artists and images associated with them, there were plenty of visual and lyrical metaphors, as well as the usual themes of love and women, and the plight of fame.

2. The relationship between lyrics and visuals has been amplified; this is evident through the main lyrics "don't go" where the artists are walking through a crowd in the wrong direction and the only images of women are that of them walking away.

3. The pace between the music and visuals in very much the same; everything seems to be moving very slowly, including the singing. also the backing track is very plain, this is appropriately reflected through the plain white backdrop of the video.

4. There were a lot of close ups, more on Wretch 32 than Kumra and 32's album is called "Black and White" and the video, places his dark skin in front of a bright white back ground links to this.

5. There is no particular voyeurism, any women shown were out of focus, and both the men remain fully dressed. This makes the video seem more innocent and about love or pain rather than sex and money.

6. The video links back to the album.

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