Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Analysing Music Videos Using Goodwin Analysis Points - Jessie J - Who's Laughing Now

1. The characteristics of the video match the genre which is R'n'B/Pop and it does this through the bad girl/ attitude way that they have shown Jessie in her younger years. Also it shows the lifestyle which can connote the genres.

2. The relationship between lyrics and visuals is very amplifying because in most of it the lyrics are shown in the visuals of the video but in some points where they are doing the acting out the story throughout the song, they venture off of the lyrics to make sure that the video makes sense.

3. The relationship between the music and visuals is quite illustrative because the pace of the music and the pace of the visuals cooperate and work well together.

4. During the "Who's Laughing Now" video the demands of the record label mean that there are many close ups of Jessie J but they have been clever in incorporating the videos concept with the many different faces that they have suggested she could be so that close ups are less obvious.

5. In the video there is no obvious voyeurism and it particularly renounces it with the younger children featured so in the concept they are connoting the artists way of making music; basing her career on talent and drive more than anything else.

6. You can link the video to films of a High School genre due to the setting being in a school and with the reference to cliques and underdogs.

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